Nutrition Services Medical Weight Management

Nutrition, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Female and Male Rejuvenation, Anti-Aging, and Medical Weight Management.

Here at Vitalogy Wellness & Med-Spa in Homewood, AL  we care about our patient’s wellbeing and offer wellness services for all that are seeking a better quality of life. Medical Nutritional Therapy – Addresses the metabolic roots of health challenges such as poor energy, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, food allergies, diabetes, neuropathy, metabolic syndrome, Crohn’s disease, gluten sensitivity, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast overgrowth, ADD/ADHD, liver disease, gastro-esophageal reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high triglycerides, cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, mitral valve prolapse), congestive heart failure), COPD (emphysema, chronic bronchitis), kidney disease, and women’s’ issues such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, PMS, and menopausal issues.

Preventative Nutritional Program | Wellness Services

Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke Risk Reduction:  A highly-individualized program which provides powerful strategies for reducing risk of these chronic health issues, in those with a strong family history or current risk factors. Our specialized preventative nutritional program provides expert guidance on how to aggressively reduce your risks with diet, exercise, nutraceuticals, and stress management.

Wellness Nutrition and Family Meal Planning

Explore the world of whole foods nutrition, customized to you and your family’s needs and tastes.  This is a must-have for families who eat on the go, deal with food allergies/sensitivities, picky eaters, or who want to include juicing.  Family food budget and food item availability is interwoven into this ever-popular wellness service. Vegetarian/vegan and international or ethnic food requests are welcomed.

Sports Nutrition and Training Diet

Sports-specific guidance for maximizing performance while minimizing risk of injury.   Expert guidance for increasing muscle mass and fat loss, while optimizing oxygen delivery/utilization and cellular waste removal.  Mini-programs for “cutting up” pre-competition.  Addresses muscle soreness and chronic pain issues with powerful nutritional strategies for reducing inflammation and breaking down scar tissue.  This service is highly recommended for children and adolescents involved in team sports.

10 Day Bio-Detoxification Program | Wellness Services

A highly-individualized, scientific approach to detoxifying the body. Includes anti-inflammatory diet and recommendations for nutraceuticals to facilitate metabolic cleansing, complete with meal plans, tailored to your specific needs and taste preferences.  An excellent choice for jump-starting weight loss, addressing sugar cravings, reducing pain and inflammation while facilitating metabolic cleansing of the liver and colon.  Important for women who suffer from PMS, estrogen dominance, chronic pain, or for those planning to conceive in the near future; strongly supports excellent results with bio-identical hormones.

Comprehensive wellness at Vitalogy Wellness – Personalized care in sleep health, hormone therapy, and longevity medicine with Dr. Farah Sultan.

Your customized plan may include:

    • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy: a more holistic way to balance hormones in men and women
    • Adrenal Fatigue: Stress Management  Solutions
    • Vitamin and Mineral Testing
    • Genetic disease testing
    • Thyroid Testing and Treatment
    • Immune & Allergy Testing
    • Neutraceutical Testing
    • Weight Management
    • HCG Diet (800 Calories)

    Epigenetic Testing:

    Our biggest killers are long-term, progressive conditions. 80% of these are due to lifestyle and environmental factors, meaning they are preventable. Epigenetic testing provides measurable links between these factors and long-term disease. Chronomics uses cutting-edge epigenetic testing to drive prevention as the norm in healthcare.

Nutritional IV Therapy

    • Myers Cocktail – customized multi vitamin IV – improves overall immunity
    • Vitamin C – improves collagen, immunity, bones, healing, weight-loss & more
    • Stress – custom formulation with B Vitamins & more
    • Glutathione – lightens skin
    • Chelation – treats heavy metal poisoning
    • Weight Loss  Kit
    • Beautiful Skin Kit

    Learn more >>

90 Day Health Transformation Program | Wellness Services

Therese shares how as a teacher with a degree in health and nutrition, how she was gaining weight, had ‘serious inflammation’, couldn’t sleep, and wanted to be pharmaceutical free and all natural, she went to her doctors and was told her labs were all normal even though she felt so bad, she knew this was not normal, it was just not right and when she came to work with Dr Farah Sultan and her team at Vitalogy, she knew there was hope. Now she feels fantastic, with no brain fog , she can sleep better and even though going through the wellness program was a ‘serious process’, she was able to feel less puffy, happy and joyous, with better libido, full of the joy of life . The nutrition part was the key and learning to eat for your body.She says, if you don’t have your health, you have nothing. It’s totally worth it!


Transition to Vegetarian or Vegan Meals and Diets

Yogic Nutrition

Vitalogy Wellness Center specializes in Comprehensive Wellness and Anti-Aging services. Our integrative treatments focus on helping to regain and maintain optimal health and longevity at any stage of life. We have a customized, tailored program that begins with a thorough evaluation of your family and individual medical history, assisting the staff in determining risk factors.  Many genetic markers help determine biological age versus functional age.  Once you have completed comprehensive testing you will be provided with a custom program for overall health and well-being.

Whether your goal is to transition to a more plant-based diet and vegetarian lifestyle, adjust your own vegetarian regimen or take the plunge into “vegan-ism” this highly-individualized program will surpass your expectations.  Avoid the nutritional deficiencies that can occur in vegetarians who make uninformed decisions about their choices.  Excellent in diabetes and other inflammation-linked medical conditions.  Every plan is customized for each client’s specific needs for optimal metabolic balancing.  Moms-to-be are welcome.

Vitalogy Wellness Center specializes in Comprehensive Wellness and Anti-Aging. Our integrative treatments focus on helping to regain and maintain optimal health and longevity at any stage of life. We have a customized, tailored program that begins with a thorough evaluation of your family and individual medical history, assisting the staff in determining risk factors.  Many genetic markers help determine biological age versus functional age.  Once you have completed comprehensive testing you will be provided with a custom program for overall health and well-being.

Wellness at Vitalogy Wellness – Holistic health, sleep optimization, hormone therapy, and longevity medicine with Dr. Farah Sultan.
IV Nutrition Therapy Homewood Alabama

Where to start if you have chronic health issues?

Dr. Farah T. Sultan offers a three-month program designed to help those with a number of chronic health issues to make rapid progress with nutritional therapy.  Incorporates highly individualized dietary prescription, recommendations for nutritional supplements and caring support. An excellent choice for those with long-standing health issues, who are ready to take charge of their health and need a step-by-step road map to help them journey toward wholeness. An excellent choice for those with chronic pain, candida albicans syndrome (systemic yeast overgrowth), adrenal exhaustion, long-standing gastrointestinal issues, or multiple chemical sensitivity.  View also offer therapeutic massages and IV Therapy to compliment your journey to a better you.

Farah T. Sultan - Medical Director at Vitalogy Wellness & Medical SpaNutrition is real medicine, firmly based on medical and scientific evidence. Clinical studies continue to show that Nutritional IV Therapy can help in prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases and conditions and improve general health and overall well being.

Dr. Farah T. Sultan utilizes Nutritional IV Therapy to administer high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and other natural organic compounds into the bloodstream.  This has the advantage of bypassing the stomach and getting directly to the cells that require attention in order to correct intracellular nutrient deficiencies.

Nutritional IV Therapy can provide enormous health benefits depending on the condition(s) being treated, the specific protocol(s) used, the number of treatments, and the overall health of the patient being treated.

Corporate Wellness Services

Let Vitalogy Wellness assist you in building a culture of health with our total corporate wellness program. It is designed to keep your employees physically, mentally and socially healthy. Vitalogy provides organizations with a customized program that includes consultations, education, and guidance throughout the process.

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